JMeter plays vital role to determine that the web application under high load also analyze the performance under heavy load.
Advantages of JMeter
- JMeter discovers threshold limit of concurrent user that your website can handle.
- JMeter also provides graphical analysis of performance reports.
- JMeter also finds the maximum load that web server can handle
STEP1:Create a test Plan in JMeter
- Start JMeter
- Select testplan on the tree
- Add thread Group
- Http Request Default
Click on Add>Config Element>Http Request Defaults
- Http Request
Right Click on Thread Group>Sampler>Click on Http request
Enter the protocol https and Server Name and ip and enter the path
Right click on Thread Group then go to Listener and click on view result tree.
Then Run the test ,you will see in result tree Sample data Load time ,Latency, Size iin bytes and errors.