12 Features to Look for in a CRM Solution

CRM solutions are capable of much more than just managing contacts and serving as digital rolodex. By monitoring customers, from nurturing leads to closing the deal and preserving client loyalty, CRM software can also help you increase sales. Through automation of the...

Key factors in SEO results – Google Ranking

Key factors in your SEO results To give you the most useful information, Search algorithms look at many factors and signals, including the words of your query, relevance and usability of pages, expertise of sources, and your location and settings. The weight applied...

5 Reasons Why using an SSL

SSL Protects Data:The basic functionality of SSL protects server-client communication every bit of information is encrypted .In other words the data is protected can only be unlocked by the recipient no one has permission to open the key.if your dealing sensitive data...

Why you need Google analytics

Do you have website or blog for personal and business use then you need Google analytics. Google analytics is a analytics tool for monitor your performance of your Websites. With Google Analytics you can better to evaluate the performance of your marketing content...

Docker a standardized unit of software

A Docker Container is an executable package of software that packages up code and also its dependencies so the application can run faster from one computing environment to another. Docker everything includes running an application efficiently: code, runtime, system...

Why Performance Matters

In our shared pursuit to push the web to do more, we’re running into a common problem: performance. Sites have more features than ever before. So a great deal so, that many sites now struggle to attain a high level of performance across a variety of network...